What is mass looking and how does it work in Telegram

Спорт >> 30.11.2023
What is mass looking and how does it work in Telegram

Masslooking is a relatively new method of promotion, which is now actively used in the context of instant messengers. In particular, it is also used for Telegram. Although stories appeared there only a few months ago, along with their appearance, bots for automatic view telegram stories appeared almost immediately.

Benefits of automatic mass looking

A masslooking bot can automatically view thousands of stories per day on behalf of an account or channel. This allows you to significantly save time and at the same time receive a large number of new, live subscribers.

The work of the massulking bot is to massively view other people's stories on behalf of a channel or account. People, seeing that someone is viewing their stories, will become interested and go to the channel. Then everything depends on the quality of the content and the content of the channel. At the moment, masslooking is considered one of the most effective ways to increase the number of live subscribers.

Masslooking services for Telegram

There are a large number of services that promise a significant increase in subscribers through mass looking. However, it is recommended to use only proven and popular ones that already have many positive reviews.


One of the most popular services, the administration assures that it can provide up to 100 thousand views of stories per day. As an additional feature, it is possible to redirect subscribers from Telegram to Instagram, thus increasing the number of subscribers on both platforms. The service offers several subscription options, with 3 monthly and 3 annual types available to choose from. You can try each of the presented ones for free. To improve the quality of attracting subscribers, you can configure the service in detail according to the target audience of the channel.

Among the advantages:

  • 3-day trial mode for each type of subscription;
  • user-friendly interface;
  • possibility of flexible customization according to the target audience.

The service is perfect for beginners who want to use the services of such bots for the first time. This service is well suited even for those who do not know how to properly use masslooking bots to increase subscribers. To use it, just go to masslooker.com and select a tariff plan. If necessary, you can get advice from specialists. They will tell you what is best for your purposes.