Writing an Essay on Poverty

Образование и наука >> 04.03.2019
Writing an Essay on Poverty
Despite technological progress, there are still places around the world where people suffer from severe poverty. Statistics show that less than 10% of the world’s population live with less than $2 a day. The world’s leaders constantly discuss on finding solutions to overcome global poverty. Furthermore, there is plenty of information available on this subject. Therefore, writing an essay on poverty can be quite challenging as you will need to provide relevant information and attract your readers. An essay on poverty usually requires a lot of personal reflection on the topic. In addition, this subject requires a lot of economic and sociological research on trustful sources. Keep reading this article and discover how an essay on poverty should look like.

Writing an Essay on Poverty

  1. Write a catchy introduction
As you are talking about a serious and actual socio-economic phenomenon, writing an essay on poverty requires a catchy introduction. There are plenty of essays available online, talking about this subject. Thus, if you want to stand out of the crowd, your introduction should be a little shocking and come with an interesting preview on the subject. You can use striking statistics showing the magnitude of this situation and how it affects the world’s population. what is more, you can also present some of the most relevant efforts made by NGOs and the greatest leaders in the world on fighting against poverty.
  1. Use progressive description
Writing about such a controversial topic can become a challenge for anyone. The writers at Get Academic Help recommend that the writer should avoid over-generalization. Furthermore, considering that subject’s sensitivity, you should stay away from using negative or disrespectful language. The language and tone used in the essay is the perfect tool you can use to remove the misperceptions rising on poverty and give a fair and interesting opinion on the subject. In addition, you should carefully select the words so that you can communicate your message in a progressive and effective manner.
  1. Build a strong essay body
Even though poverty is an actual discussion, people need to know what it is, and which are its main causes. Therefore, the first paragraph in the body can define poverty and what are the criteria which lead specialists to characterize a region or community as living in poverty. Moreover, you can also exemplify which are the main causes which lead to poverty. For example, you can mention the lack of access to clean water and nutritious food, political conflicts, or poor education. Mention relevant statistics and data for each cause and present your view on them. Research plays a very important role in the success of this type of essay. Therefore, you can build your arguments on the findings from scientific journals, international forums, or reputable magazines and newspapers.
  1. Create a memorable conclusion
An essay is like a circle. It starts with an introduction which inserts the reader in the topic. It continues with the body where the reader receives detailed information supported by citations from trustful sources. The next step in the flow is the conclusion which closes the circle. Therefore, the conclusion should be as memorable as the introduction. You can end your essay with a citation from a famous philosopher or economist on the topic. Furthermore, you can also conclude with a rhetorical question and give your audience some “food for thought”. In addition, the conclusion should recap the most important information presented in the essay and help your readers understand the subject better. Moreover, you can also include a strong call to action in your conclusion and determine your readers take immediate action on reducing poverty in the world.

An essay on poverty can follow the structure of a standard essay. It becomes unique by the way the writer exposes his point of view and brings ideas in the context. It is very important to make a plan before starting to write and create an outline where you can include the main ideas you want to present. Furthermore, you can break the text in paragraphs and include personal questions which will make your audience think deeper on the subject. The tone and language are also very important and you can use them as a tool to amplify certain views and feelings.